What to Do if Your Wedding is Affected by the Pandemic

While the Coronavirus pandemic is incredibly challenging for everybody and has affected us in just about every way possible, it is also a very difficult and stressful time for those who had their weddings booked this year. Life as we know it has changed a lot, and with this has come the sacrifice of big events such as weddings. As a venue that has hosted so many weddings over the years, we understand the devastation this causes to those who had their big day planned for 2020 and that are now having to make plans to rearrange it for a later date. 

So, we thought we would share some tips on what to do if your wedding is affected by the pandemic.


Do you need to postpone the wedding?

For the foreseeable future, it is not possible to hold big ceremonies such as weddings with lots of guests and various people involved. However, this does leave some uncertainty for some people, as it is unclear when it will be safe to hold these events again. For those with weddings planned in the next few months, it is unfortunately necessary to have to postpone the wedding if they want it to go ahead as planned with all guests able to attend. 

On the other hand, for those with weddings booked more towards the end of the year, it is difficult to know whether or not you need to seriously think about postponing the big day. In order for things to change and gradually start going back to normal, the government’s conditions need to be met, and nobody can predict whether or not this will be the case or when it will happen. 

Whether or not your wedding will be able to go ahead also depends on how late in the year it is, as well as the venue and suppliers. If your wedding is booked towards the end of summer, we would advise staying in regular contact with the venue and suppliers as they review the situation. However, if your wedding is at the end of the year, from September onwards, at the moment it seems as though this should be safe to go ahead. Before making plans for whether or not to postpone your wedding, we recommend staying up to date with government advice and contacting your venue and suppliers.


Be proactive and consider all options

Whilst having to postpone the wedding you’ve organised and dreamed of for so long is very disheartening and upsetting, you should still be proactive in rebooking it. Although it may be at a later date, your wedding will still go ahead! We recommend liaising with venues and suppliers as soon as possible to find out their availability and make plans to reschedule your big day. 

Furthermore, you need to be aware of what is most important to you. Do you want all of the plans and timings to remain the same, or do you want to book the earliest date available? Perhaps you had an outdoor summer wedding planned, but would rather get married sooner than wait until next summer, meaning you would have to consider another venue and location. 

On the other hand, perhaps you wanted to get married on a weekend, but in order to still do this you might have to push the date back even further as weekends are more popular and get booked up quickly. If you would rather get married sooner, it could be worth considering having your wedding day during the week so that you can bring the date forward.


You’re allowed to feel sad!

For most people, their wedding day is the biggest event of their lives. It is often something that takes lots of planning and preparation and that people save up for, for several years. Having your wedding all planned, organised and booked for it to then have to be postponed is devastating, and it’s okay to feel disappointed. While there are so many awful things going on, you can still be sad about having to postpone your wedding.


Stay positive and look forward to your new wedding day!

While it is normal to feel upset that your original wedding day has to be postponed, try to focus on looking forward to the new, rescheduled date. In some ways, your wedding will now be an even bigger celebration and it is something to look forward to and keep in your focus!

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